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Watch for This Common AC Problem This Summer!


It’s about time for your home’s AC to get to work: the summer heat is almost here!

But before we get deep into the summer, we want to talk to you about a common problem that air conditioners face, one that often requires calling for AC repair in Loganville, GA. This problem is called short-cycling

We’re here to help you understand what short-cycling is, how to recognize it, and why it’s essential to have your AC inspected as soon as possible so the problem can be repaired. 

What Is Short-Cycling?

Short-cycling occurs when your air conditioning system repeatedly turns on and off rapidly without completing a full cooling cycle. This frequent cycling can happen for a variety of reasons, and it’s a significant concern because it’s both bad for the AC and warns of an even worse problem causing it.

Recognizing Short-Cycling

Identifying short-cycling is pretty basic. Watch for the following signs:

  • Frequent On/Off Cycles: It’s right there in the name—the AC system turns on and off much more frequently than usual.
  • Inconsistent Cooling: You may notice that some rooms in your home are not getting adequate cooling.
  • Higher Energy Bills: If your AC is short-cycling, it’s expending far more power than normal. This is because starting up drains more power than any other part of an AC’s operation.
  • Unusual Noises: Your air conditioning system may make loud or unusual noises when short-cycling.

Why Is Short-Cycling Bad?

Short-cycling can have several negative effects on your air conditioning system as well as your home:

  • Increased Wear and Tear: The frequent on/off cycles places undue stress on the AC components, leading to faster wear and tear.
  • Reduced Energy Efficiency: When your AC doesn’t complete full cycles, it struggles to maintain a consistent temperature, resulting in poor energy efficiency.
  • Shortened System Lifespan: The stress of short-cycling can significantly shorten the lifespan of your AC unit, causing it to require replacement years earlier.
  • Inconsistent Comfort: Because your AC can’t maintain a steady temperature, your home’s comfort levels can fluctuate, making summer far less fun.

What Causes Short-Cycling?

Several underlying issues can cause an air conditioning system to short-cycle. These issues range from minor to major:

  • Dirty Air Filters: Clogged air filters restrict airflow, causing your AC system to struggle and short-cycle.
  • Refrigerant Leaks: Low refrigerant levels can prevent your AC from cooling effectively, leading to short-cycling.
  • Thermostat Problems: A malfunctioning thermostat may signal your AC to turn on and off more frequently than necessary.
  • Oversized or Undersized System: If your AC unit is too large or too small for your home, it may cycle on and off quickly as it struggles to reach the desired temperature.
  • Electrical Issues: Faulty wiring or other electrical issues can disrupt the operation of your AC system, leading to short-cycling.

Call the Pros at Premier Heating & Air

If you suspect your air conditioning system is short-cycling, please address the issue promptly. Attempting to diagnose and fix the problem yourself is risky and may lead to further damage. Instead, call our HVAC pros. Our experienced technicians can quickly diagnose the root cause of the short-cycling and recommend the best course of action to restore your AC’s performance and extend its lifespan.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001. 

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