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Premier Heating and Air Blog

Don’t Forget Regular AC Air Filter Changes This Summer!


One of the most important jobs to have done for your air conditioning system before the summer heat arrives is to schedule AC maintenance with our professionals. Regular maintenance is key to ensuring that your air conditioning works at peak efficiency and cooling performance throughout the summer. It also helps prevent repairs and extends the service life of the unit. 

There is a vital maintenance task you’ll need to do on your own, however, and it’s a job many homeowners forget—leading to some costly consequences for comfort and money! It’s changing the air filter on the HVAC cabinet. You may need to do this several times during the summer, and we want you to get into the habit of doing it. Regular filter changes mean fewer AC troubles and lower bills.

The Job of the HVAC Air Filter

Many homeowners mistakenly think that the job of the air filter is to purify the air to create. While cleaner air is a beneficial byproduct, the main job of the filter is to protect the HVAC system itself. The filter acts as a barrier that catches dust, hair, and other particles, preventing these from entering the HVAC system where they can cause damage or reduce efficiency. 

What Can Happen With a Clogged Filter

Ignoring regular filter changes can lead to a variety of problems that can affect both the efficiency of your air conditioning system and your home comfort. A clogged filter restricts airflow, forcing the AC unit to work harder, which can result in overheating and, in some cases, premature failure of the system.

Furthermore, reduced airflow means your AC cannot efficiently circulate and cool the air in your home, leading to uneven cooling, longer run times, and increased energy costs. Additionally, excessive strain on your air conditioner due to a clogged filter can lead to more frequent repairs, further increasing your household expenses.

How Often Does the Filter Need to Be Changed?

The frequency of air filter changes can depend on several factors, including the type of filter you use, the air quality, whether you have pets, and the number of people living in your home. As a general rule, check the air filter monthly. For standard fiberglass filters, we recommend changing them every 30–90 days. If you have pets or if anyone in your home has allergies, consider replacing the filter more frequently.

How Do I Change the Filter?

Changing the air filter is simple. Locate the air filter slot in your HVAC unit, remove the old filter, and note the direction of the airflow marked on it. Insert the new filter in the same direction as the old one, making sure it fits snugly. 

If you’re unsure about how to change your filter or what type of filter to use, feel free to ask one of our technicians during your regular maintenance visit. They can demonstrate how to change the filter and can recommend the best type of filter for your system.

Call Us Today to Schedule Maintenance

Don’t wait for the full brunt of summer to test your air conditioning system. Contact Premier today to schedule a comprehensive air conditioning service in Maysville, KY. Our expert technicians can handle all aspects of AC maintenance, including showing you how to properly change your air filter to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. 

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001. 

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