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Premier Heating and Air Blog

A Quick Guide to Getting Your AC in Shape This Spring


Summer weather may still seem like it’s far away, but it’s not too early to start getting your home ready for the shift in seasons. Making sure you have an AC that’s ready to get to work when you need it is an important part of spring preparations. After all, if there’s anything wrong with your central AC, you’ll want to know it early so you can arrange for air conditioning repair in Maysville, GA at a convenient time when you don’t need the system to keep the house cool.

How to get started? It’s easy. We’ve put together a quick guide to the steps to take. (The last one is extremely important!)

Give Your AC a Short Test Run

Before you actually need to cool the house, give your AC a brief test run. This initial step can unveil any issues that might have developed over the winter. Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose a mild day and turn your AC on for a few minutes.
  • Listen for any unusual noises and note if it’s taking longer than usual to cool down the space.
  • Check if the air coming out of the vents is as cold as you remember it being last summer.

If something already seems wrong, you might need to call for repairs.

Change the Air Filter

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to ensure your AC runs smoothly is to change its air filter. A clean filter improves air quality, increases efficiency, and extends the life of your system. Dust and allergens accumulate on the filter over time, which can impede airflow and cause your unit to work harder, leading to increased wear and tear and higher energy bills.

Most manufacturers recommend changing the filter every 1–3 months. If you have pets or are sensitive to allergens, consider replacing the filter more frequently.

Clear the Outdoor Condenser

The outdoor condenser unit plays a pivotal role in your AC’s cooling process, but it’s often out of sight, out of mind. Over the fall and winter, it can become clogged with leaves, debris, and dirt, which can hinder its performance.

Ensure the area around the condenser is clear of any debris, plants, or obstructions. There should be at least 2–3 feet of clear space around it.

Check on Vents to Ensure They’re Opened and Unblocked

Your AC can only cool your home efficiently if the cooled air can circulate freely. Blocked or closed vents can lead to hot spots in your home, making your AC work harder and increasing your energy bills.

Walk through your home and check that all vents are open and unobstructed by furniture, curtains, or rugs.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Here’s the big step! While DIY maintenance can go a long way, nothing beats a professional tune-up to ensure your AC is in tip-top shape for the summer. Our professional HVAC technicians can:

  • Perform a comprehensive check of all system components.
  • Identify and fix minor issues before they turn into costly repairs.
  • Optimize your system for peak performance, potentially reducing your energy bill.
  • Ensure your AC meets warranty requirements.

Scheduling this service in early spring ensures that you beat the rush and that your system is ready for the first hot day of summer.

Experience the Premier Difference! Premier Heating & Air has been family-owned and operated since 2001. 

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